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Bachelor Buzz: Episodes 4&5 Old Beefs and New Beefs...

Alright... so since I missed week 4 of the bachelor I'm going to go over both episodes at once right now. In Week 4 Tracey and Courtney were sent home... both had some beef with Demi which I'll get to... and no one went home yet for week 5... well okay 1 lady did- Elyse- but there hasn't been a rose ceremony yet... but there has been some drama... so lets talk about it.

Alright I'm going to start on the good notes... the One on One Dates! Colton had 2 in each of the episodes... He had an adventurous date with Tayshia in Singapore and a shopping trip and date night with Caelynn... also in Singapore. Both went very well, both ladies ended up with roses and kisses and lots of good stuff. Both ladies also opened up about their pasts. Tayshia had been divorced before and Caelynn opened up about her experience with sexual assault. Colton was really good with both girls and very comforting and sweet. The show addressed Caelynn's issue very well... it was a little weird that they used it for their advertisement- I had no idea that that is what Caelynn would be talking about... so I guess I'm a little disappointed in that aspect of it... but it was all over everyone's social media's and everything like that. It was nice in that respect.

And even though Hannah B was very jealous of Caelynn for getting the one on one date- and she even made some snide comments to the other ladies like "Oh she LOVES to be spoiled" and things like that... but after the date Hannah pulled Caelynn aside and asked if they could kind of call a truce and try to get along with each other for the sake of the show and for Colton... which was pretty classy. So at least 1 beef was put aside... unfortunately- there are 2 more beefs coming up... but we'll get to that after I talk about the next 2 One on One Dates.

Heather and Cassie both went on one on ones with Colton's. I'm going to start out talking about Cassie because it went JUST as well as anyone would expect. Colton is totally smitten with Cassie... they have a great connection. And I do think all the girls seem to really love Cassie too- she just seems like a really nice and fun person and I think everyone is happy for her more than they are jealous. Of corse there's some jealousy with the girls because everyone wants to be Mrs. Colton and it's hard to see him with other girls. So... that's kind of a thing.

Also I think she's kind of an unexpected favorite. She didn't get any date roses or one on one's so far... she didn't get the first impression rose. She's not getting the first roses of the night or anything... she just kind of has a strong connection with her and he's smitten... and she seems like a good match for him.

So the first one on one date in Thailand was Heather- Never Been Kissed Girl. They had a cute date- I think they went jetskiing or something... and Heather just really wanted Colton to kiss her. He knows she's never been kissed... he admires how honest she is and he has a good connection with her and they went on this amazing date... and at the end of the night there were fireworks... and Heather finally got her first kiss! And it was amazing! Heather's description on the scroll even changed from Never Been Kissed to Has Been Kissed. It was cute.

You know who didn't think it was that cute? Elyse. She was upset and left the suite while Heather was discussing the excitement. And then she talked to Colton and said she didn't think she could accept a proposal from him... and it just seemed like this wasn't the right way for her to meet someone. So she left the show.

And that led to the big Beef of week 5 which was the Nicole vs. Onyeka debacle. Onyeka said that Elyse pulled her aside to let her know that Nicole said she only wanted to go on the show so that she could get out of Miami. Onyeka decided to tell Colton that without knowing much of the situation... she didn't even go to Nicole first.

Then Tayshia who kind of stayed out of the situation said "I was there for the conversation and that isn't how it went down." Tayshia didn't go to Colton to tell him about it. Tayshia just minded her own business and let Colton figure it out for himself. Be like Tayshia.

Nicole went to Colton to defend her self... but not without dragging Onyeka. She claimed Onyeka was a bully that was calling her mentally unstable... which Onyeka really didn't. She went to Nicole by herself and said she was acting emotionally unstable because she cried over everything. Is that bullying? Kind of. I would be upset if I were Nicole... tbh though I kind of like Onyeka even though I think both ladies were in the wrong in this situation... so take that as you will. There was no rose ceremony yet- but Colton was frustrated. I don't really think either of these ladies are Colton's "wife" so... yeah.

Now to week 4... Courtney wasn't talking to Colton... she was waiting for Colton to talk to her... but that wasn't happening. Demi told Courtney to go for it with Colton and Courtney still didn't... and then she complained about Demi. And then Demi went to Colton and called Courtney the "Cancer of the house" which is really harsh and Courtney was really upset about it and she just kind of spent the rest of the time trashing Demi and saying "Who says I'm the Cancer of the House?" and... yeah. I don't totally think Demi is a villain here... sure she's confrontational- but if Courtney didn't want to talk to Colton... she's not really there for the right reasons. Idk I follow Courtney on Instagram and she seems nice- but I don't really think she's on The Bachelor to get married.

As for his connections with the other ladies of the house... I think his connections with Demi and Onyeka got stronger. Hannah G is still strong. Hannah B said she's falling in love with him... the girls seem to be getting along other than the drama. It's all pretty good.

And... that's all I have here! I hope you guys like this post! Let me know what you think and who you want Colton to marry... and have a good day!



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