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The ABC's of Me: My Life in 26 Letters and brief summaries of my years

Okay... so I feel like I'm late on this... but last year on my birthday my High School Algebra Teacher commented saying "Happy Alphabet Birthday" and I thought Ohhhhhhh that's cool I'm 26 there are 26 letters in the alphabet... that's cool... and right now it's actually June 12th at 11:51pm so it's almost my mom's birthday and I thought "HEY I'll post talking about my years for my blog and post it right before my 27th birthday that way it's still relevant! So here we go- let's talk about the years and what I did and I'll try to have a little bit of a One Word description with the letter correspondence to sum up the year.  It'll make sense once I do it.

I'm also going to be a little vague on the situations that happen... but I'll try being kind of open about what happens... so yeah. Some real life people might be mentioned in this... I'll never mention anyone by name and I'm sure if I say anything negative about someone... they probably won't realize that I'm talking about them. JK Rowling based Lockheart off of a real person- the real person does not know this! It's crazy... so yeah. I might make up some names- I dunno. I don't really have too many bad things to say about people... but yeah. You'll see what happens! This spans from 1991-1992 ish all the way to June of 2018... because that's when I'm writing this. I initially had the years attached to each age... but I realized that didn't make sense once I got to 16 because basically... 16-22 feel almost like double if I reference the year it was and it doesn't make much sense with the rest of what I'm saying... just know that I did what I did at that particular age unless it states the specific year... I don't think it matters.

A- 1 YEAR OLD-Anxiety 

Okay... so I was born in 1991- but the year I turned one was the end of 1992... so that's kind of how that works I guess. So confusing. Obviously I don't really remember this year... I don't have a ton of stories... but my mom said that I was a pretty easygoing baby. Also we celebrated my birthday in the house that I spent pretty much the rest of my life so far in... so yeah. That's pretty big. I'm saying Anxiety because I feel like that's just the state of being a baby. I currently babysit my 1 year old niece and she gets anxious about things. I think according to my mom I was a little more easygoing than she is... but she's pretty easygoing and I love her... so yeah. From what I understand we're similar people... but yeah. Moved to a new house- celebrated Halloween and Christmas... that's a to do before your first birthday... I was a pretty accomplished child! Lol.


Okay... so this is more than one word... sorry 'bout that! But 1993- what a year! The X Files debuted, and I hit my terrible twos... and from what I've heard- they were quite terrible! My sister was in grammar school at this time and I'm told that one of the teachers used to ask "Are you a good baby or a bad baby?" And I would reply "Bad baby, Bad baby!" And "run like grease lightning" to quote my mom.

C- 3 Years Old  Consciousness 
This sounds like a bad letter for my 3rd birthday... but I feel like my first memories are maybe from when I was 3... so this seems like consciousness is the biggest part of this... because obviously being able to remember things is important. I think I remember seeing limousines. I remember preschool... but I think that's more 4 and 5... It's funny cause I don't think I actually remember specific stories... but I think my first memories are being a 3 year old. My dad drove a Station Wagon and I think one of the last days he had it was one of my earliest memories. And I remember him at one point having a mobile home that he borrowed from someone and went to a football game... and I think we used to go to his company parties and they gave us toys from FAO Schwartz. Also Friends Debuted in 1994 and that's important to my life!

D- 4 Years Old Delighted 
So I loved being 4 years old. I'll get more to that when I'm 5... but I was a pretty happy 4 year old I think. I probably had tantrums- probably fought with my sister... but all in all it was a good year! I was definitely in Preschool here... and I remember preschool. I know at the end when we were "graduating" there was some sort of sing along thing and I LOVEDDDDD singing as a kid and I was really good at it too... and when the teacher asked if anyone wanted to be the bride for singing "Going to the Chapel" I raised my hand right away and THE TEACHER DIDN'T PICK ME! She picked a friend of mine that didn't sing that well. Maybe I wasn't delighted at that... I must have told my mom, who told my grandmother- who is still upset about that as far as I know... which is pretty funny. And my grandmother one time got me to sing it when we were at a Gazebo on a beach and they played music... and I was scared and didn't know the words then- but now I love that memory because I know my grandmother was just really proud of me and wanted me to get the spotlight I so deserved in preschool. Lol. Anyway other than that I liked 4.

Also Toy Story came out this year! I remember watching it in theaters with my dad and my sister and her friend. Pixar is kind of a big theme in my life... I might do a WHOLE different post about that- I think I have actually done a post mentioning it... but there are lots of Pixar coincidences in my life... and it's pretty cool!

E- 5 Years Old Elves 

Okay... so this is a weird memory of preschool that I  have but it works so well for E that I can't not mention it. Keebler came out with new cookies this year and they were regular shortbread cookies and they had the Elves on it and they were sandwiched with chocolate fudge in the middle. They probably still have these... but I think 1996 was when they came out because I think it was the second year I was in Pre K with the other teacher that I brought them in as a snack. My sister came up with the idea of "Kissing them before you eat them" because they were really cute and we felt bad for eating them. I remember saying this in nursery school when I brought them in as a snack and the annoying boy said "Bite their heads off before you eat them." And I feel like 1) needless violence 2) I feel like biting it counts as eating it... so that makes no sense... but whatever. He thought he was funny... no one laughed. And if you're wondering if I still kiss things before I eat them if they have a face... I do! Not ashamed. It's a habit that just stuck... lol.

F- 6 Years Old  Fun 
Okay... so there were a lot of fun things going on in 97. First off- I started Kindergarten... and that was kind of cool. I remember orientation... I think they had a lot of graham crackers and I'm pretty sure I thought Kindergarten would be all Graham Crackers and Gullah Gullah Island... and it wasn't. We did watch a lot of Gullah Gullah Island... I was pretty happy about that... but I wish there were a few more Graham Crackers.

And Christmas of 1997 is my first memory of getting a super hot toy for Christmas... and that is the Rosie O'donnel Doll! Do you guys remember those? It was these plush dolls that looked like the cartoon of Rosie O'donnel that they put at the beginning of her theme song... I'm going to need to include some pictures in these posts... but yeah. This was a fun year. It would have been a little more fun if there were some more Graham Crackers... but still!

G- 7 Years Old Grand 

1998 was a grand year because this is the first time I ever went to Disney World!!! AHHHHH! It was so much fun! I loved it! We stayed at the Grand Floridian- which is super great for your first time at Disney. I remember riding all the dark rides that they don't have any more like Snow White and Mr. Toad's Wild Ride... sooo much fun. I might not have been 7 yet when we went there... I think I was 6- but I think it was in 98 and not 97. I turn 7 in October... so I guess it's a little late.

I remember that it must have been 98 because Animal Kingdom was new back then and they just celebrated their 20th anniversary. I also really liked Sabrina The Teenage Witch these years and they did an episode in Animal Kingdom so I think I was especially excited for Disney because of that!

And Will and Grace debuted this year! Which is a pretty big deal!

H- 8 Years Old  Help 

Alright 1999! I was in 2nd grade! My second grade teacher is actually family to me now... she comes over for the holidays and everything. It wasn't quite like this when I was in her class... but yeah that as good. She helped tutor me- hence why H stands for help.

1999 is also when Star Wars: The Phantom Menace came out... I know that doesn't seem like a big deal now- but it was at the time. I loved the original Star Wars movies as a kid- and I know the prequels are bad- but I loved them as a kid! They had fun toys and that's all that matters.

Ohhh and Alanis Morissette was also a pretty big deal! So yeah!

I- 9 Years Old  Imagination

Okay... so third grade is kind of when I think I was the most imaginative. I used to draw a lot... I wanted to work for Pixar then and I don't know. I think this is when my imagination and personality kind of started. Harry Potter was pretty big around then... I had read the first book probably this year... and I'm tearing up thinking about it being that long ago... lol. My mom read the first book to me and I remember hearing about the movie and I was so excited! And when they released the trailer...omg. That movie doesn't come out till 2001... but Omg... I can't not talk about Harry Potter... it's Harry Potter.

I was also in 3rd grade- we started changing classes this year in school- so I actually got to have each of the teachers as my teacher... and they're all very nice people. I'm facebook friends with 2 of them today!

Ohhh the election this year was weird too. I remember talking about it in class. It was between George Bush and Al Gore and they didn't know who was really president for a few days... crazy!

J-10 Years Old- Jams 

A lot happened in 2001. Obviously, some sadness... and I remember exactly where I was the day of the tragedy... I remember that whole day pretty clearly. That isn't what I really want to talk about here though.

I was in 4th grade. My teacher in 4th grade was nice! This was also the last year we went to Disney as a family... and we also went to Universal Studios- which was fun because my dad was involved in one of the games- he dressed as Jimmy Neutron... it was funny. I think that this is the year we rode on Alien Encounter... which is the scariest ride ever at Disney I think and definitely the scariest thing I think I've ever experienced in my life.

The Jams part is because the most important thing about this year was that I loved Aaron Carter... I guess that isn't that important to my life now... but yeah!

And Monster's Inc was out this year too! That was my favorite movie for a long time! And My Big Fat Greek Wedding came out... so especially good!

K- 11 Years Old  Kindness 

Okay so when I was 11 I probably could have been a little bit kinder... but this was when I was in 5th grade... and 5th grade kind of sucked because my teacher was really mean. REALLY MEAN. And we didn't switch classes that year... so that was especially hard. And she was a terrible teacher. She would barely teach anything- she'd spend most of the time out in the hallway on her cell phone talking about movie times... and then she would yell at us if we got a wrong answer! Not a good way to learn things.

I started to really get into movies and TV this year too... I memorized every line to the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding... so that was that year... lol.

L- 12 Years Old Learning 

Okay 12 years old! I started a new school, I made new friends pretty easily because some of my friends from my other school were already there. In 5th grade a lot of people kind of made fun of the fact that I was going to a private middle school... but then in 7th grade all my friends ended up coming to my middle school... so yeah.

4 of my friends that I was friends with all throughout high school and most of college- and a couple still today I met in 6th grade... so that's good! And this is the year I got a dog! So that was great!

M- 13 Years Old  Middle School

Friends ended in 2004. It was 7th grade... I was kind of bullied... maybe not bullied so much as bothered? I don't know... there was a girl I didn't really like that was sort of in my group of friends but she was kind of mean and I guess in 6th grade was when I really had a problem with her and in 7th and 8th grade I more or less moved on. So yeah!

Ohhhhh and a lot of boys in my grade got expelled. There was some inappropriate touching going on that year and later in the year there was a fight and someone else got expelled. It was almost a mini me too movement in my 7th grade class... it was on the news and everything.

N- 14 Years Old  New Things

Okay so 2005 was 8th grade! I liked 8th grade- I was in the same class as all of my friends I think. I was also in Student Council! I beat the popular girl! So that was pretty cool. I graduated 8th grade. I think this is the year I made a new friend that I was friends with in high school... and yeah. That was kind of it I guess.

This is also when I got really into Arrested Development and Fall Out Boy... who I still love today! So yeah!

O- 15 Years Old Odd 

I was bullied really bad my freshman year of High School... This is a year I try not to think about that often because it was just bad. The boys in my class picked on me a lot... they called me "Betty" because of Ugly Betty. I had glasses and maybe braces too at this point and my hair didn't look nice. These are no reason to bully people... but I just always new I was better than them. I mean I know no one is really "better" than anyone... but I was mature, I didn't really take their crap so I was strong... it was never anything that I really cried about or anything... and looking at it now 15 Year old Shannone was pretty much a BAMF! I want to go back in time and tell her how much I like her.

P- 16 Years Old  Practice and People to People 

So the 2007 part of my Sophomore Year in High School isn't too memorable... but it just felt like a lot of practice I guess. I was in a lot of clubs my Sophomore Year... and I feel like I over-extended myself a little bit. I think this was the year I was an Ambassador for the school... so there were a lot of events I had to volunteer for there. I also volunteered to help out a kindergarten CCD Class on Mondays... I did the Spring Musical... which I think I auditioned for in 2007 but wouldn't be in until 2008. And I was in Key Club as the Secretary... so that was a lot.

When I was 16 I also went to Europe with a group called People To People... which was technically in 2008 I guess... but I'll talk about it here because I was 16... I made a lot of friends and had a lot of fun! London is one of my favorite places I've ever been to, Switzerland is the most beautiful place in the world probably, I made friends in Germany, I think The Netherlands Amsterdam and Belgium are underrated in their beauty, there is nothing really like Paris at night... and I think that's everywhere? Lol. There was a lot of preparing for this too- it was like another extracurricular activity... so that was a lot for me.

Q- 17 Years Old  Quit! 

I quit most of those things at 17. Not really... but sort of. I was still in Key Club, and I was still the secretary... and this was at a time where no one really went to the meetings. I decided not to do the musical that year... it was a lot of pressure, there were people in the musical I didn't really want to deal with every day... and one of the shows was at the same time as a music festival called Bamboozle... which I loved, I went in 2007 and 2008 I think and I had such a great time there... and I knew I had tickets already... so yeah. I wasn't doing the Spring Musical that year- and that was okay! I had fun in How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (that was the musical when I was 16) but I didn't want to do it again.

Ohhh and I missed the cutoff date to be an Ambassador again when I was 17- so I couldn't do that! Which was kind of sad- but I was okay.

I was in an Honor's Spanish class- which was fun I guess? I feel like it wasn't actually fun... but looking back on it... it was fun.

OHHHH and my junior year was the year I had every single class including homeroom with one of my best friends! So that was really cool!

R- 18 Years Old Really? 

I feel like I made some questionable decisions when I was 18... I dated a guy who seemed totally amazing and then totally wasn't... but he was also my friends ex... so that should maybe tell you not the best thing to do... and I probably paid more attention to him then to my classes which is never a good idea... and we were cute and flirty together but once we actually started dating it was terrible and he's not a great person... so yeah. I also started looking at colleges and I started college at 18 and that was all really really fun!

S- 19 Years Old Shannon 

19 years old! My freshman year of college... I liked where I was and I liked who I was at this age... it's the same as who I am now I guess... maybe I was a little more insecure. I didn't like having a roommate and we fought a lot... and I feel like some of the reasons I was wrong for and I was probably just insecure myself... but also a lot of the reasons I think were legit. Really all of my roommates and suitemates. They are nice people and  I'm glad that we were all friends- but I don't think we would have been friends if we didn't live together. And that's okay! We had fun and I do have nostalgia for those times... but some of those times I was not happy and I'm glad I can happily watch their lives via Facebook and Instagram now.

T- 20 Years Old  Trouble 

I don't think trouble is the right word to really describe 20 as a year... but a little bit. This was my sophomore year of college and I did not do great towards the end of the year... but that was somewhat okay I guess. I did meet someone this year... I guess that's how I can put it. He was not trouble at all and that is not what I'm implying here. I am single now... but yeah. Nothing bad to say there.

I felt like I was always in trouble because my suitemates were horrible. They stole from me first off... so already that's bad... and they always left notes telling me to clean up but it wasn't my mess to begin with. They had rasinettes on the floor for like a week and they never cleaned them up... but god forbid I left something in the sink for a day... so terrible.

U- 21 Years Old Uber Amazing! 

21 is a fun year all the time right! I felt like i had been waiting for so long to be 21! And I was fun, carefree and loved my life pretty much. I could also go out drinking and then take an exam the next day... not sure if I could do that now! Also Arrested Development came back, Despicable Me 2 was out... a lot of things I loved were returning this year!

This was also a sad year though... my first dog Lucky that I got when I was 12 passed away. This was also when I first got Spencer though- technically it was right before my 22nd birthday- but I met him and saw a lot of pictures and videos of him beforehand... so I'll include Spencer in this same year because I love him!

V- 22 Years Old Vicious 

22! I was fun and spontaneous and some bad things happened this year... can't lie. Some of the people in my life that had been there forever were slowly starting to leave. Some friends had just kind of abandoned me. One of my friends pretty much moved on from the friend group we had right away when she went to college. Two of my friends had kind of stopped talking to me and I felt abandoned by them. I don't really like to dwell on it... I think I'm getting over my anger from it now and I'm glad that you're doing well... but it hurt. I did reconnect with some other friends, however... which was really nice and I'm happy to say I'm still great friends with these people! I met them all in high school and they're just great people.

W- 23 Years Old Worried 

I was 23 when I graduated college! I had to take a few more classes in the fall semester and I commuted to school 3 days a week and I took 2 online classes. Honestly I kind of liked that! The classes were easy. 2 of them were theater classes, so it was pretty easy to make friends there. One was an improv class which was really fun. I took Italian online and a history class about Dracula... so that was all really cool!

I also made a few of the biggest mistakes of my life at 23. I should have been a little more focused on what to do after college. I also should have talked to a few people more than I did. I followed some bad advice... and I didn't like the end results of that... even if maybe it was the best that I could do. I also made a tiny mistake that ended up having huge consequences and I think it really hurt someone's feelings. Those are some things I wish I could take back... but all in all... maybe I shouldn't be so worried about what happened here and maybe I should focus on the now a little more.

X- 24 Years Old XYZ 

This was the year my sister got married- so that was really exciting! This was also when I found out I was going to be an Aunt... so all really good... and I saw Something Rotten for my birthday this year- I took Dance lessons... this was just a really good year for XYZ. I went to the gym a lot this year too! So lots of good this year. This is also the year I discovered Hamilton and my love for musicals... so that is pretty awesome too!

There was also some sadness. I lost some people in my life, and I will never forget them.

Y- 25 Years Old  Young Old Person 

At this point I felt like I didn't spend my 20s the same as most normal people... although looking at it now... I like everything that has happened. I like that I decided to blog every day for years... I like that I now babysit my niece- who I think just thinks I'm a big kid.

This is when I became an Aunt. And that was probably the best day ever. My niece is so sweet and she makes me so happy. And a few days after becoming an Aunt... I saw HAMILTON! And THAT WAS AWESOME! I still can't say enough good things about the play and the particular cast I saw that night. I loved Brandon Victor Dixon as Burr... I could go on and on about Hamilton... and maybe I'll save that for another day!

I talked to some of the people I hadn't talked to in a while this year too... and it was nothing major- but as you can tell... it helps when I have these people in my life and it made me happy.

Z- 26 Years Old  Zoology of Shannon 

Now I'm 26. I feel like I've learned a lot... my life is actually pretty amazing on paper now that I've written it down. It took the entire length of Dr. Strange to write this... plus another half hour or so... so it's 3:00am now. I told you- I started writing this right before midnight.

I was a little nervous to go this into detail of my life... but now looking at everything... this seems like a good study of Shannon... which is why I'm calling it the Zoology of Shannon because I'm an animal I guess? This year I thought I was in a slump blog-wise... I've been writing this since I was 22... and I guess you can tell a lot has happened since then... so it only makes sense to change things up! I'm going to start in July... which happened already... but I want to wayyy plan my posts in advance from now on... so this makes sense to go up in October before my 27th birthday!

Okay... now that you know almost everything about me- I'm going to go! I hope you are having a good day and May The Force Be With You? I feel like I didn't explain my love for Star Wars enough here... but yeah!



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