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13 Days of AHS: Official American Horror Story Season Ranking for 2018

Okay guys... so you know I love Halloween and I love American Horror Story... so I thought I would talk about American Horror Story every day until Halloween. It's halloween-ish... and I love Talking about AHS... so I thought I'd do some reviews, maybe some theories... and I'm going to start with how I would rank the seasons today. This is subject to change... I feel like I always have a different view with it... but still. I will give you my rankings and my reasonings for the first 7 seasons.

7) Asylum- 

I know this is a lot of people's favorite season... a lot of podcasts I listen to rank it highly... and I have to admit there are some great episodes in this season... but as a whole- there was almost no payoff from this season. I think the alien thing would have been good... had it not been in this season. I feel like the Adam Levine/ Jenna Dewan Tatum parts are just too cheesy and that didn't really need to be in the story at all... Dr. Arden's Monster's never really paid off... and the ending was just kind of sad and meh. I liked the Santa Killer episodes... I thought there was a lot of genuinely horrifying things in this season... but it didn't really pay off at all... so for me this is the worst season.

6) Freak Show- 

Freak Show started out really strong with Twisty- one of the scariest villains the series has ever had... but he's not really connected to the main part of the show... and they never really connect him properly to the actual freak show... and his arc kind of just ends too easily and too soon... Also this is by far Evan Peter's worst character on the show... he had such a strong debut in Murder House and then they really kind of just cast him badly in Asylum, Freak Show and Coven... but this he just seemed like kind of a whiny brat who had a weird relationship with his mother... and when they had his relationship with Chrissy Metz's character was just weird... there was just a lot about Jimmy that I just didn't like... and then they kind of had him as the hero at the end of the show.

My boyfriend- who just started watching the show said that Coven and Freakshow were the only ones with actual "ending" endings... and I do think it had a good ending. I also think Finn Wittrock's character was great... I love Patti Labelle in this season... this is Jessica Lange's last season and I think it was great... but overall I think this season feels the least like a horror movie... and it's kind of the least scary of all the season. It just lost something after twisty.

5) Hotel

I always thought of Hotel as the worst season... but it really isn't that bad. I think the overall story of it is pretty great and I do love the characters. James Patrick March is one of best characters in the series I think... and I loved seeing Evan Peters as him... I think he really had fun with this season and he enjoyed playing the character.... and I really like Angela Basset's character the more I think about it. Lady Gaga is one of my favorite singers... so I'm super happy with her being on the show... and first and foremost... another one of my absolute favorite characters is Liz Taylor. Dennis O'Hare also seemed like he had fun with this... and I just really liked it. I liked the ending of the season a lot too... it just kind of fits and it's sort of happy but creepy... I like it.

I also have a theory about James Patrick March that I'll get to soon...

4) Roanoke

Roanoke used to be one of my favorite seasons... and I still really like it... but the ending kind of took away from it a little bit. It was just a little too happy and a little too... I don't know. It was a little too closed I thought. I would have liked a little bit less of an actual ending in this season. The trial itself didn't interest me that much... I liked seeing Lana Winters again and her sort of connection with Adina Porter's Character... and I thought Adina Porter was amazing in this season... and there were SOOO many episodes that genuinely had me at the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next... I loved that it seemed very low stakes at the beginning of the season- and then they just raise the stakes in episode 6 to completely turn it on it's head... and there were so many surprises and twists in this... I just really loved this season.

It didn't end that well- and if I were to watch it back the first few episodes probably aren't that exciting... but still. Great season.

3) Murder House 

So Dylan McDermott and Connie Britton are just perfect and I thought that they were both so great in this season. I loved seeing The Harmons... ohhh man especially after the last episode of Apocalypse... they were just so great together. I love Connie Britton- I think her hair is one of the best things that exists... and this was just a great start to the series. This and Coven are kind of what I think of when I think of as like the definition of AHS. These are just what I think of when I think of American Horror Story.


Cult was probably one of the most clever seasons of American Horror Story. They had nothing supernatural in the season at all... and it was the most topical and current season of the show. There were also some really great horror elements to the show itself... which I really liked. Plus Evan Peters character was great and interesting. And I really liked Winter too... always love Billie Lourde. And I liked the ending a lot... how it was sort of closed but also a little bit of a cliffhanger. I just loved this season. There were some boring episodes, but as a whole I thought it was great.

1) Coven- 

I mentioned how much I loved Coven before... and I still really love it. I think it's a great season... it's funny- the fashion is great, the music is great. The characters are some of my favorites in the series... I kind of even like Evan Peters as Kyle- which is my main complaint of the season... his character doesn't speak and I don't think it's as good of a role as he can play... but it's almost like he's a good guy and a villain... but he also can't talk... idk. I like it enough. Plus there's a lot of actual American History in this episode... so it is like a real American Horror Story.

That is everything! I hope you guys are excited for my 13 Days of AHS for this halloween.



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