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Idk why this year, but I am in such a Halloween mood. I mean I usually am in Haloween Mode, especially around Halloween (yep I'm halloween mode all year! lol) Anyhoo I just figured I'd list some things that you should do around halloween... that it's probably too late for you to do now, because I just made this blog a few days before halloween... oh well. Some are general fall things.

1) Going to Fright Fest- Six Flags is just a fun place, and Fright Fest is just the most fun. They have the terror trails which are all like different themed haunted places... and I've walked through all of them. And gotten pretty scared in most of them. Idk if its different at different six flags, but I'll just talk about the ones at my six flags cause I feel like talking a lot and it seems worth mentioning. They have an Asylum, a haunted Manor, a Vodoo Island, something called wasteland which is like a post apocalyptic plant type world, and theres something called total Darkness where they pull you on a rope through a dark room. I didn't go in the dark room thing cause thats a lil too much but the rest are quite great. And if you don't live near a Six Flags, there are tons of haunted houses everywhere and usually the local haunted houses are super scary. I think its best when they're done by like a drama department or something like that, cause then everyone really gets into character and its just twice as scary.

2) American Horror Story- I LOVE this show. This is probably what has gotten me the most excited for Halloween because it's been sooooo good this season, and they usually do an extra amazing special on Halloween. I loved the first season, and the season thats on now may become my favorite. If you want something really scary and disturbing, season 2 is where its at. I didn't personally love season 2, but it was definitely really really scary and hard to watch at times.

3) 13 Nights of Halloween- I've actually been a little disappointed in it this year because they seem to be focusing on Twilight and Pretty Little Liars, which aren't really my thing. But I always love when they have The Adam's Family (both movies), The Nightmare Before Christmas, and of corse Hocus Pocus. I saw on the schedule Death Becomes her was either on already or its going to be on... and that movie is great. It's a little boring, but its one of those kind of wacky, over the top 80s-90s type movies that I really love. They don't make many of those anymore and those are like my favorite type of movies. OHHH and Beetlejuice. Can't forget about good old Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice... ohhh no.

4) Scary movies- Scary movies are also great. I'm not really someone that always watches scary movies, just around Halloween and in the summer sometimes. I just watched Cabin in the Woods which was fantastic and has a little bit of everything. I also love the Paranormal Activity movies, I know what you did last summer is a pretty good one, Shaun of the Dead is pretty spectacular, although a comedy. Still has zombies. And I have to mention the scary movie with the best twist ending I've ever seen: Sleepaway Camp. I don't care if you like twist endings or horror films, this is a movie everyone should see and I don't think anyone has. I'm not going to give anything away, but its a complete shocker that you wouldn't expect... yet there are totally hints all throughout the movie. And the murders in the movie are just so clever and completely different. It's just amazing... just watch it now somehow. somewhere.

5) Go to the Mall and Walk past Bath and Body Works and Just smell it- OMG it's amazing. I got 3 of the fall wallflowers, Pumpkin Cupcake, Pumpkin Caramel Latte, And Pumpkin Pecan Waffles. And The pocketbac hand sanitizers in cinnamon rolls, pumpkin cupcake and creamy pumpkin. Last year they had Candy Corn, and I'm so disappointed that they don't have it this year cause I lost mine :(

6) Pumpkin Flavored anything- Dunkin's White Chocolate Pumpkin, Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, Pumpkin donuts, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies. If you're Harry Potter PUMPKIN JUICE! Also Pumpkin Waffles, Pumpkin English Muffins, Pumpkin Bagels sometimes. Pumpkins out the wazoo basically.

7) Special Halloween flavors- Last year I think they came out with the most stuff. I think theres less this year. Orange Kit Cats, which are amazing because they are white chocolate on the outside and chocolate on the inside. Candy Corn M&Ms, which are white chocolate and they taste awesome. Candy Corn Oreos, which I haven't tried but they exist and thats a thing. Caramel Apple Milky Ways which were pretty awesome but I don't think they make them anymore. Caramel Apple lollipops which are the best of any lollipops. And just candy in general. It's way better when its acceptable to buy tons of them and they're on sale and they're technically not for you. lol. Just fantasticness.

I probably have more of these, but I feel like I'm going to shift into Christmas territory, and I probably shouldn't do that for another few days if I want to be annoying. Lol.


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