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50 Things about me

1) My sister chose my name- Shannon- after seeing it on the back of a chair

2) I love the Minions of Despicable Me... A lot.

3) Pink is my favorite color

4) Penne Vodka has recently become my favorite food ever and probably my favorite thing in the entire world.

5) My favorite word is Ronkonkomo.

6) I think Nicholas Cage is a very talented actor

7) I refuse to see Titanic or Avatar- I have seen a lot of Titanic in class honestly, but I didn't finish watching it and they fast forwarded Kate Winslet's boobs, so really whats the point? lol.

8) I wanted to work at Pixar when I was younger, but I really can't draw very well so I decided not to do that.

9) I honestly have no clue if I still do this or not, but from at least 2nd or 3rd grade to high school I would laugh at the end of each sentence. Mostly because 90% of what I say is supposed to be kind of funny, but I don't know if people really caught on to that. lol.

10) Arrested Development is my favorite tv show of all time and I was so excited that it just came back. I'd been waiting since the finale originally aired for it to come back and now it finally is back and I'm happy.

11) I can fall asleep with the tv on, but it has to be a show I really like thats on, or something I've seen 100 times. It really only works for Friends, Arrested Development, Parks and Rec, and the movie Pitch Perfect. I don't like it to be anything too violent, scary or weird because then I'll wake up in such a weird mood... happened to me while watching Trueblood once, and that shit was weird. I also tried to fall asleep while watching Always Sunny, but that was too interesting and I haven't seen it quite enough yet.

12) David Bowie is my favorite singer and I think he's sooo sexy.

13) I really like watching room tour videos on youtube and I have no idea why.

14)I am a libra and have many traits of a typical libra.

15) I don't online shop, but I will look something up online WEEKS before purchasing it in store before I decide if I really need that thing in my life or not. That being said, I'm a pretty fast shopper.

16) I'm also a shopaholic. It's a problem I've realized recently,but have also decided to ignore and not face the consequences until I'm completely broke.

17) Tina Fey is my idol. I'm hoping to be the next Tina Fey in a few years. I hear I'm close...

18) I'm a little sad that I'll be in class when its the great pumpkin Charlie Brown is on.

19) I've had two dogs in my life. My fist baby, Lucky Dog I got 10 years ago on Friday and he just passed away this July and I miss him a lot. My family is a dog family, like honestly half of what we talk about is dogs, so we just got a puppy a few weeks ago. His name is Spencer because he was born the day after the Royal Baby and my family and I were hoping that the Royal Baby's name would be Spencer after Lady Diana Spencer. Lucky and Spencer are both maltese's, who are very smart dogs. Seriously Lucky was probably the smartest person I ever knew. Not even exaggerating. And even though Spencer is just a baby, he is so smart already. I just realized how long this fact is and I'll probably end up doing more posts about Spencer and dogs in general.

20) I went to Catholic school from 6th grade-high school. I think people thought I was going to become a nun because I seem so nice and innocent... my friends however knew differently.

21) I like couponing. I mean I don't think I'm organized enough to ever be an extreme couponer, but I don't like buying anything if its not on sale or if I don't have a coupon or if I'm not getting something free with the purchase or something like that. I'm not cheap, I just like free stuff. And if you can get a discount, why not? You can buy more stuff then lol.

22) I like taking selfies and posting to instagram a lot. I don't know there's just something satisfying about people liking your photo.

23) Once for Halloween I dressed up as Dead Paris Hilton because she was on this show I used to watch called "Celebrities Uncensored" all the time and it annoyed me, so I wanted revenge. A few nights later, the sex tape was released. Lol.

24) I also dressed up as Donald Trump once because I used to like The Apprentice a lot. Unfortunately, all masks of old white men kind of look the same, and it was an election year... so people were trying to figure out if I was George Bush or John Kerry.

25) Lady Gaga is my favorite female pop star mostly because I feel like I "discovered" her. When I was in Europe for the summer, I saw the video for Just Dance for the first time and it was amazing. A few months later when I got home, the song became super popular and I was like "this song is so old though" and my friend that went to Europe with me thought so too.

26) Oh yeah, I've also been to europe thats interesting. Lol. I went to Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France and England... and it was awesome. Switzerland is beautiful, I have friends in Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium had waffles everywhere, England was really cool and everyone was super nice. And France is also a country. Just kidding, it was nice and beautiful and had great art and architecture.

27) I know every line to My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It's an amazing movie.

28) The Banana Split flavor of dippin dots is my favorite... but I'm not fond of bananas.

29) Whenever I hear Gwen Stefani or No Doubt... something terrible happens. It all started when I was 15 and I sprained my ankle while changing one Gwen Stefani song to another Gwen Stefani song. It's gotten better over the years, but I still think she is purely evil.

30) I have an older sister. She's afraid of clowns because of the movie It. I saw It in the daytime, so it wasn't really that scary.

31) Although, the part with the balloon filled with blood that explodes in the bathroom really freaks me out. It just makes me feel like I'm not alone in the bathroom... where I should be alone lol.

32) I'm kind of obsessed with zombies. Idk when exactly it started, and I haven't seen any zombie movies in particular, but I love zombies.

33)  Whenever I hear an emergency alarm sound, I wake up thinking that its zombies and I'm totally prepared to fight them.

34) I'm a really light sleeper, which is why I'm so startled over noises like that.

35) I have a lot of dreams about Harry Potter... and I never really understood why.

36) I also have a lot of dreams where I lose my shoes... and I don't know why that happens either.

37) I like really creamy soups. Like Cream of chicken and rice and cream of potato and stuff like that.

38) I'm really bad at bowling. Like I'll throw the bowling ball like a basket ball in the lane and its hilarious. I'm probably going to break the ground and get banned for life someday. That sounds way more badass than it actually is. "I was banned from a bowling alley" lol.

39) I'm allergic to rabbits, which is sad because growing up they were my favorite animal and my sister had pet rabbits, but I couldn't play with them cause I went into sneezing fits.

40) I think a person's favorite muppet says more about them than anything else. Mine are the two old men and Miss Piggy.

41) Some foods make the roof of my mouth all smooth. I don't think this is an experience that people have regularly, but it used to happen to me a lot. I think it goes away with age cause I haven't felt it in a long time.

42) I like Mojitos and have recently discovered White Russians. A lot. I'm 22, the picture in my profile is from when I was like 19 though, so I look a bit younger.

43) My favorite Disney movies are probably Aladdin and Hercules.

44) In Kindergarten I punched a kid in the face because he asked me to. Never ask anyone to punch you in the face, because then you deserve to be punched.

45)Some nights I have fun, some nights I wang chung. Sometimes I do both. I have no idea where the hell that came from but I think that is going to be my facebook status sometime.

46) I like nail polish a lot!

47) I'm sleepy

48) and I have to pee

49) and I'm running out of facts

50) but I made it to there we go!

If you made it to the end of this... thats a little creepy, why you wanna know so much about me? Psych we're best friends now if you finished it so yeah. I'm gonna pee and brush my teeth and go to bed.



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