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Everything I Know About The Bachelorette 2020- Unsurprising Spoilers and Some Predictions

Okay so instead of a Reality TV Roundup right now I thought I'd do a Bachelorette post sharing some of what I know or what I think about The Bachelorette...This isn't exactly factual evidence- I used to follow the Bachelor Spoiler accounts... but they haven't exactly been accurate since Hannah B's season and while I like a lot of those accounts and I like the Bachelor community... it's been more fun for me to watch on my own and make my own predictions. 

Also here is a link to my favorite Bachelor channel. I also like the account bachelorettewindmill on Instagram... they post some good Bachelorette memes. 

So this has been Clare's season so far... but Clare has done a bad job at connecting with the guys and being open to a relationship with any of them other than Dale. Literally... she can't stop talking about this man. 

No but like he is actually hot but this is him modeling Halloween costumes. He stepped out of the limo and she was like "I think I just met my future husband" and he's just this guy in a taco costume... he didn't wear the taco costume on the show... but that's him. 

In the most recent episode she changed a daytime group date to a nighttime cocktail party... basically so that she could have one on one time with Dale... on her bed. And... it was weird. Like they were in there for 40 minutes before he came out and another guy went in to steal her away... and they even showed her telling the producers she just wants to rush the other guys along... so like... really Clare? Dale also goes to Clare's room to use the bathroom while she's talking to another guy and the two "talk" some more... and by talk I mean make out. 

So yeah... that was weird. 

Next up Clare has a one on one date with one of the Zach's... so I don't know what his last initial was... but it was the guy that gave her the fart ring on his limo entrance... so like... really? This guy gets a one on one... but yeah. They seem to be having a nice date- it's a spa date. Clare puts an Avocado mask and cucumbers on his face so that she can pretend he's Dale and then she laments about how hard it is to connect to someone other than Dale and that she wishes Dale was there... After their spa time- the two go in the pool and Clare goes in for a kiss... and Zach doesn't really turn away but I guess he sort of does? Clare's adorable dog was nearby and maybe the dog was too close to his face- which can be weird when you're about to kiss someone. Anyway he pulled Clare's neck gently to go in for a kiss again and then gets out of the pool, pulls her neck again and then she rejects him and walks away freaked out. She describes some sort of trauma she had- that I guess had to do with her neck and tells Zach to get ready for the date... which she then doesn't show up for... instead Chris Harrison shows up and tells Zach that Clare is sending him home... 

And honestly... I don't really think Zach was in the wrong. He didn't reject her kiss in the pool- he didn't pull away... she kind of did. And the neck pull was very gentle and I don't really think he did anything wrong... but I also don't like getting my neck touched by strangers (no trauma... I just don't really like strangers touching me to begin with and the neck just weirds me out.) So... yeah I think sending him home was too much- especially not even showing up to the dinner date. The Fart Ring weirded me out more and I would have sent him home night one for that and that alone... I've had weird experience with guys that think fart jokes are that funny... so yeah. 

So after that fiasco... There's another group date! A Bachelorette Roast with Margaret Cho... and Roasts are not something Clare is able to handle... they should know that. And even though this is just supposed to be a group date with the guys that weren't on the other group date... but of corse a Roast needs an audience so the other guys were in the audience including the man who's name I've been trying not to talk about as much as possible... Dale! 

So obviously the guys roast dale pretty hard. Particularly Bennet- who's been a fan favorite of the season so far... He went to Harvard- I don't think he's ever mentioned that on the show yet. (He says it all the time.) Anyway he really digs into Dale and Clare gets upset. She then talks to each of the guys about Dale and... most of them aren't here for it. They've heard enough of Clare and Dale and... they've had enough of Dale also... so yeah... they were annoyed and that was kind of where the show ended. It was weird how Clare asked all of the guys about Dale... like she wanted to hear what Dale thought of everything and how Dale thought of her. They even showed a clip of her talking to the producers saying "You can't talk to my fiance like that." Ohhh boy. 

And in the preview we finally saw Tayshia... and I think next week is when Clare's portion of the season will wrap up- and then Tayshia will finish the rest of the season with the same group of guys... I'm guessing? If the guys want to stay or if they want to leave. I'm not sure if they'll bring in new guys... Not sure if they'll bring other guys back or if those guys went home already... I don't know. 

So I've heard a lot of fans say that they think the producers kind of kicked Clare off the show to bring in Tayshia instead. And Clare liked some comments on twitter saying that so... it seems that she feels that way too... and that bothers me... a lot. I just... think if I were a guy on the show I'd be so frustrated that there is a clear pick and she isn't even really giving anyone else a chance. She doesn't really want to spend time with any of the other guys... she just wants to make out with Dale the whole time. It's WEIRD and I think these guys deserve a bit more than that... especially this group of guys that had to put their lives on hold for a while for quarantine... they aren't even getting a chance to go anywhere exotic or fun... they're literally just there for Clare and Clare is not there for them... so it's a little hard. 

So I think...this is an interesting season so far. It's obviously really different than any other season... it's frustrating to watch for this half... but I'm really excited for the second half of the show. I don't really have a clue of who Tayshia will pick or how she'll interact with the guys... on that Bachelor Fantake channel that I linked before- they mention that there was a kiss that was edited out of Clare's first day as the bachelorette... it could be because he goes far with Tayshia... maybe it's just that the guy is creepy or something... I don't think so he seems like a nice guy so far but... I'm excited to see Tayshia meet the guys. 

I also really like Bennet, Eazy and Riley. I feel like Bennet and Eazy will be on Paradise, or Bachelor Pad or whatever they do this year and Riley I think might go far in the show. He seems like husband material. 

Alright that is everything. 





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