BLACK FRIDAY DEALS!!!!! PT 1: THANKSGIVING NIGHT- What Did I order? What did I almost order? What am I looking for?
Alright guys its Thanksgiving night as I write this... and I don't like going to stores on Thanksgiving because I didn't like working on Thanksgiving... but I do like shopping online. It's just so easy to do and I like it. If you're my friend that I normally would buy presents for... maybe don't read this! Lol. There were a few deals I was looking I kinda jumped on some of those. 1) Target's Website This was the first place I went cause... I wanted a game, some dvds and maybe a weighted blanket. Target's website was... odd? A lot of stuff was unable to ship to me or out of stock or something... so that was weird? I'm probably going to Target tomorrow so I might pick up other stuff there. But I did get a game! I got Zelda Breath of The Wild for the switch. My boyfriend has been wanting this game for a while and I thought it looked good. I like Zelda games- so I'll try it! I did decide to buy something else from target later on...but I...